My dear students,

This is our last distance session before finally coming back to school!

Below, I am sending you your obligations.



  • učb. str. 92/1: Preberi Barneyev sestavek. V »exercise« zvezek napiši naslov I can hear the traffic in reši nalogo C – po primeru napiši kaj lahko Barney vidi in sliši.
  • učb. str. 92/2: V »exercise« zvezek napiši naslov Can + see/hear in prepiši moder okvirček
  • učb. str. 92/3a: V »exercise« zvezek napiši naslov Practice in odgovori na vprašanji:
  • What can you first see and hear in the morning? / Kaj lahko vidiš in slišiš, ko se zjutraj zbudiš?
  • What can you see by looking outside your bedroom window? / Kaj lahko vidiš, če pogledaš skozi svoje okno?
  • DZ str. 62/1,2



(učb. str. 94/1-5)

  • 1: Postavi črke v pravi vrstni red in zapiši imena krajev.
  • 2a: Dopolni povedi z glagolom CAN in enim od glagolov iz okvirčka.
  • 2b: Poveži odgovore z vprašanji iz naloge 2a.
  • 3: Postavi besede v pravilen vrstni red in tvori vprašanja.
  • 4: Izberi pravo rešitev.
  • 5: Prevedi v slovenščino.



  • učb. str. 95: Preberi besedilo, v »exercise« zvezek napiši naslov Stephen Hawking in reši Task 1 in 2.



Stephen Hawking is one of leading world mathematicians and cosmologists who devoted his life to studying space. He still remains a best-selling author and his books are well-read all over the world.

How exciting, isn’t it?

What about you? Are you interested in space and aliens?

Write down up to 10 sentences about your astronomy or space interests. Think about the existence of aliens and write down your opinon. You can even write down a few notes about their physical appearance.


I will catch you soon!

Your teacher


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