Pozdravljeni. Kot rečeno, jutri ne bomo imeli učne ure na ZOOMu, ker sprašujem. Vendar upam, da boste naredili vse, kar ste imeli za narediti iz prejšnje ure, in tisto, kar imate tu spodaj.

Ponovite predelano snov iz zadnjih dveh učnih ur. Vedno morate ponoviti snov preden greste naprej z novo. To vam omogoča osvežitev že predelane, in lažje spremljanje nove snovi.

Če niste še, vas vabim, da naredite vaje iz prejšnje ure: WBp. 20 -21 # 1, 2, 3, 4, tudi # 5 // p. 22 # 3 // p. 25 # 1 

Naslednja učna ura bo v petek, 4.12. in takrat bomo te vaje skupaj popravili.


NOVA SNOV (tudi do petka)

I’m sure you’ve all travelled at one time or another. But have you ever made plans for your travel?

Do you think it’s easy or difficult to make travel plans?

We’ll take a few minutes on Friday to talk about your experiences and ideas.

In your TBp.36 # 2A there’s a conversation between Danny and his parents called ‘You have to change in Milan’.

Copy the title into your glossaries, copy the following words or phrases, add the Slovenian meaning, and try to find another way of saying the same thing or find a synonym. Use a pencil.

  • to book a flight-
  • a travel agent-
  • you have to change in Milan-
  • a direct flight-
  • the train takes four hours-
  • go by coach-
  • to pay by credit card-

See you on FRIDAY, 4th December.

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