Hello and welcome back to your favourite school online;))) I hope you enjoyed your week of freedom and are full of energy to continue our work together. Let’s keep going. The school year will soon be over….and we have a lot to do….

First we’re going to do some revision work just to get you motivated. Try this easy worksheet:


Module 4 – TBp.70 – 71 – YOUR WORLD

Look at p.71 – match the sentences # 1 – 5 with the pictures and try to guess what it’s going to be about….CAN YOU GUESS BEFORE TURNING THE PAGE?

If you said technology, the environment or inventions or anything along these lines, you were right.

TBp.72 – the title here is ACHIEVEMENTS – DOSEŽKI

                                        OUR CHANGING WORLD

  • Write BOTH titles in your glossaries, copy the words at # 1 into your glossaries into three groups: verbs, adjectives, nouns and add the Slovenian meaning to each
VERBS (glagoli) ADJECTIVES(pridevniki) NOUNS(samostalniki)

medicine – zdravilo







  • Then choose 5 words from the list and try to EXPLAIN them using other English words – write the explanation into your glossary
  • Example (Npr): medicine – is something (tablets, pastilles, syrup) we give to people who are ill to help make them feel better.

 TBp. 73

  • There are also some new words in the conversation between the Earth and the Brain (Man):
  • Write them into your glossary and add the Slovenian meaning:
  • every corner of the Earth, amazing, invent, improve, communications, share, incredible, mistakes

Do: WBp. 49 # 1 / 51 # 3

PS: Jutri se ne bomo dobili na Zoomu, ker imajo trije učenci govorni nastop. Zato pridno naredite navedene naloge sami. Rešitve bom objavila na Kanalu čez nekaj dni. Naslednja Zoomova učna ura bo v torek 12.05.2020 popoldne. O tem vas bom še pravočano obvestila. Srečno.

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