Good morning, class.

How are you today?   What’s the weather like today?     What are you wearing today? (I’m wearing…)

Pesmici, za dober začetek ali konec novega šolskega dne in za ponovitev:

Seasonal song – If you feel it: The learning Station:

Ger dressed fot the day song : Singing walrus:



  1. Read about James and his sister Paula. They’re both attending Covington Primary School.

(Preberi o James-u in njegovi sestri Pauli. Oba obiskujeta Osnovno šolo Covington)

  1. Answer this questions: What’s James wearing? Which season is it?

What’s Paula wearing? Which season is it?

  1. Answer the question in the exercise 2 (true – false)

(Ustno dgovori na vprašanja pri 2. nalogi: (drži-ne drži))

  1. Copy their presentations to your notebook and draw James and Paula.

(Prepiši predstavitev Jamesa in njegove sestre Paule ter ju nariši in pobarvaj)

V priponki prilagam učni list, da še malo povadite kaj igramo; Let’s play.

4.c – 30. 3. 2020 – utrjevanje let’s play- UL

Spomnimo se:

I can play basketball.  Can you play computer games?

I can’t play the vilolin. Can you play the piano?

Toodle-loo, Kangaroo, to your house, quite Mouse.

Lep pozdrav, učiteljica Tadeja


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