Good morning, class.

How are you today? What’s the weather like today?
What are you wearing today? (I’m wearing…)
Let’s listen to a song:

Danes se boste nekaj naučili o …Indiji.  (v priponki world map)

Prijavi se na  Explorer’s Online Practice:
Explorer’s online Practice/Activities:
Poglavje: 3 – Clothes
Lekcija: Read more
Exercise: 3


  1. Listen to the recording and follow in your books.
    (Poslušaj posnetek in sledi besedilu v učb.)
  1. Read the sections with, and then without, the support of recording
    (Preberi odstavke najprej ob posnetku potem pa samostojno)
  1. Find the words: gold coat, red shawl, gold rings, bracelets.
    (zlata obleka, shawl =ruta, ki ženske nosijo preko ramen ali okoli glave, rings=prstani, bracelets=zapestnica)
  1. Answer the questions (poskusi odgovoriti na vprašanja)
  • What is Raj wearing? (He’s wearing..)
  • What is his sister wearing?
  • What do people do after the wedding ceremony?

Explorer’s Online Practice:
Exercise 1, 2, 3


  1. Reši naloge.
  2. Povedi iz prve naloge prepiši v zvezek. Naslov: India

See you soon, raccoon, out the door, Dinosaur!

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